25 October 2011

The different types of Domestic Discipline

When Cal and I tried to do research on domestic discipline to facilitate communications about what exact type of  domestic discipline we wanted. I know each relationship is going to have its own unique set of rules and standards, decided amongst the couple, but there is no denying that in this large virtual meeting place we call the Internet contains a plethora of information on the subject. And that sometimes we find articles that really resonate with us, while others seem so foreign we would never term them dd. There are of course several different recognized "categories" of dd, and I thought I would do a review and a little bit of an exploration into each of them.

1950's Household 

The 1950's Household is a harkening back to a different time when the roles of the household were more defined and divorce rates were lower. The husbands generally worked to support the family and the wives kept the house in order and had dinner on the table when their husbands came home. In addition there is an element of "proper attire" as both men and women kept up appearances more rigidly in those days.
While I haven't been able to find many websites or articles dedicated to 1950's Household domestic discipline precisely, I do think the idea is a fairly easy one to grasp, especially when there is a lot of public nostalgia for the time. There is also one "tribe" dedicated to the subject. Here is an short article written by the group moderator on being a good 1950's wife.

In terms of domestic discipline, the idea of taking your wife over your knee was a lot more accepted, and was even displayed in ads and tv. One of the most famous examples of this is the show I Love Lucy. In several episodes, Lucy's antics result in her being taken over Ricki's knee.

How prevalent was actual domestic discipline in 1950's households? No one really knows for sure, but as the paragraph above explains it is about a good deal more than the discipline. Although traditionally the head of a 1950's household was male, the ideals can work on any variant. One thing is for sure, this particular brand of domestic discipline certainly had the largest amount of readily searchable photos...

Taken in Hand

I don't think I could do a better job than the taken in hand website itself when it comes to describing the ideals of the movement:

An overview of Taken In Hand

A Taken In Hand relationship is a wholehearted sexually exclusive marriage in which, to the delight of both spouses, the man actively controls the woman. The degree of control and the way the husband retains control vary from Taken In Hand couple to Taken In Hand couple, but in all cases both husband and wife actively want the husband to have the upper hand. No matter how strong, tough and forceful a Taken In Hand wife may be, and no matter how hard she might try to take control in their marriage, she would be aghast if her husband were to let her get the upper hand. Likewise, no matter how loving, kind and considerate the husband may be, he prefers to keep his wife firmly in hand.

I feel like I should also point out that while many people who participate on the site practice domestic discipline and many practicers of domestic discipline believe in at least some of the ideals of the Taken in Hand overview, the creator of the website does not consider it domestic discipline.
 I wanted to create a new kind of site – not a standard relationship site on which it is completely taken for granted that to have a good relationship, husband and wife must be equal and seen to be equal (whether they like it or not) – and on the other hand, not a standard traditional site on which it is taken for granted that the wife should submit to her husband – but also not a BDSM / D/s / SM sex site (which all leave me personally completely cold, if not queasy). I wanted my site to be free of the cliquey language, embarrassing rituals and modes of address and the surprisingly narrow thinking one finds on D/s and BDSM sites, and as a non-spanko, I wanted a site that would also not be a DD site. I wanted this to be a site on which no one would be accused of ‘topping from the bottom’ or of being insufficiently submissive. I wanted the site to foster non-stereotypical, evolving, exciting unlabelled relationships in which the spouses do not feel trapped in ill-fitting role boxes.

There are certainly some controversial articles on the taken in hand website. Not the least of which is one entitled "When rape is a gift". I'm not going to describe the article, I don't necessarily disagree with the actual idea of the article, but I don't think "rape" is the right word at all.

Christian Domestic Discipline

Christian Domestic Discipline is the enactment of traditional roles as ascribed in the bible.

  • The husband is the head of the household, whilst the wife is submissive to her husband as if the Lord Himself was her husband. See Eph. 5:22-24.
  • The husband is to love his wife as himself, and as Christ loved the church. He is to be a servant, and leads by example. He is to lay down his life for her. See Eph. 5:25-29.
  • The wife is to reverence her husband. She is to obey him, so long as his instructions are not in opposition to God's commands. See Titus 2:5, Acts 5:29.
There are a number of websites other than one linked with the title (see above) dedicated to christian domestic discipline, and it is a very popular blog label. http://lovedandspankedwife.wordpress.com/

This is another one that I can't really find a specific website defining specific ideals too, although it is a very popular blog label. I believe it is the idea of domestic discipline based first and foremost on the foundation of "love", as opposed to traditional roles or biblical themes. A mutual decision made by both parties to have one take the lead in things and the other to be punished for mutually agreed upon things. Within this type of relationship it seems more common for the couple to have "contracts" upon which punishment is based.

This Thing We Do

This thing we do is a forum(linked above) as well as a term used by many who don't like the feel of the other names listed here.  

There are a lot of things we could call it. Domestic discipline is one name. Rules or structure is another. Whatever it is, it works for some people. I am an adult woman, a feminist, and dedicated to principles of nonviolence. I do not believe that any of this is incompatible with the fact that I have asked my partner to help me with creating rules and structure in my life, nor that the consequence of my failure to adhere to the rules and structure is often a spanking.
I do not believe that my relationship has been ordained by any higher power, nor that I need this structure because I am a woman. I do not believe that discipline requires a heterosexual partnership.
I believe that discipline in my relationship is consistent with healthy adult functioning. I believe that, far from hindering my process of healing from childhood abuse, discipline and structure can be a healing force. I believe that power exchange is not solely erotic.
I trust my own perceptions of what is and is not working, and I trust my partner's perceptions of the same. 

The forum isn't exactly abuzz with activity but it can be very useful and it is a good place for those looking for a rather dry(not overtly sexual) discussion of discipline spankings. There is a pretty heavy F/M presence as well, which makes sense to me as the only other term which really defines F/M relationships is Femdom which seems a bit harsher than DD. F/F is also represented. Basically it is a category for those who don't wish to be categorized. 

So, after all this, I'm left with the question....Which category most closely resembles us? Well I think as many others probably find, we prefer the simple term domestic discipline for our relationship. This is because we find aspects in many of the different categories applicable, but none of them wholey so.  

1950's Household

I really like the idea of a 1950's household, and when I'm staying at home with the children it is my ideal to fill that role. Yes, I am terrible at it , but I AM working on it and I hope to become much more efficient in time. I also like the idea of maintaining appearances, but we don't really have the money to invest in ourselves at the moment. I think the big difference it that I will be working once all our kids go off to school. In this "economy"(although I really hate saying that), it seems unfair to leave the financial burden all on him, and I think having a part time job that funds activities and vacations is a good idea. 

Taken in Hand                                                                                                                                                                I generally agree but as a spanko i would never term myself as taken in hand. 

Christian Domestic Discipline
Not religious at all, even a little bit. Not against it, just completely inapplicable to our relationship

Loving Domestic Discipline
Agree with the ideals(as I perceived them), but I feel like the "loving" part comes across as just a bit judgemental as though other categories of dd aren't also based on "love".

Although I find some aspects of bdsm erotic, I have never been into "slave" and "master" roles, piercing, whips, and in general a lot of the aspects of a bdsm lifestyle. I like the idea of light bondage, I like the idea of nipple pinching during sex, I like the erotic aspects of some pain. I'm not at all hardcore about my erotic pain. It is easy for me to separate the feeling of "punishment" versus "erotic" spanking. However we do usually have sex after a punishment session, and I am always pretty turned on...I don't know how to describe it, but it is different.

I don't enjoy a punishment spanking while it's happening. I think what I find erotic is having him assert his dominance and I LOVE it when he reinforces it sexually right afterwards. I know some people think sex and dd should have nothing to do with each other...but that's their thing. I'm a grown woman. I don't think of spanking as a kid thing, never have. Never ever wanted a spanking from an adult when I was a child. I hate roleplay. I have always thought of spanking as an adult consensual thing. And I have ALWAYS found it erotic. Not that I have anything against roleplay by the way, in case that seemed harsh, sincerely, when it comes to sex and relationships, to each their own.

In conclusion, yeah, I think I'll stick with the term ttwd. 

24 October 2011

Picking a Cane

So, Cal read my quiet instrument article, and wants to get a cane. While I feel a bit reluctant to pick out my own, I much prefer it to the idea of him picking one. He's more of a buy the first thing I find so I can stop shopping kind of a guy. And so I have begun my research into the best cane to purchase. I've mostly been looking at CANE-IAC as they have a really wide selection of canes of all different makes for pretty good prices. We are going to be having some house guests and taking some trips in the next few months, and while our original plan was to journal everything with a count of strokes and delay punishment until after the trip, Cal has pointed out that with my tendency to be very bad around company, and his new found strictness, I might find myself in an all day punishment situation! So I am pretty motivated to come up with a quite solution.

These are "School House Canes" and come in sets ranging from 2-5 finished or 15 "raw" which are described as "single use". Two 28' schoolhouse canes cost $10.99, and these are definetly what I was originally leaning towards, as they have that more oldschool feel. They're very bendy, but I'm guessing that they come in twos because they are also pretty breakable. There is also a video at the bottom which instructs you to clean the cane after each use, put oil on it to keep it flexible, to use a rubber band to keep the handle shape during storage, and to store flat and out of sun and heat. Seems like a lot of work to me, but as I've said before I'm kind of a sloth. Although rituals are quite kinkily attractive to me...

Another cane I'm thinking about is called the "Tearjerker". It's made of Delrin, a thermoplastic polymer, which apparently feels like rubber. It is described as basically unbreakable, and comes in at $16.99, so it is the most expensive one I'm considering. It's also definetly more remeniscent of a modern dungeon than an old schoolhouse. Similarly to the schoolhouse rattan, it is very flexible. Although, I'm starting to wonder why exactly I keep thinking of that as a good thing....I mean, I'm pretty sure it's because I like that "swish" sound in clips I've seen, but that really seems like a terrible reason to pick something out that will be swished against my backside. But maybe it will be nicer than a thick one, I mean it is "littler", right? The name "Tearjerker" isn't exactly a confidence builder.

Last up is the 16 inch lexan cane, which is made of a polycarbonate. The one I'm contemplating is the littlest guy, as I am partial to over the knee spankings, but the cane will probably be a serious offense instrument, so I don't know that otk will be appropriate. Although, it would also be easy to pack and travel with, so there is that to consider. Its price tag is $14.99.

So there you have it, I am deciding between these three....well...more likely Cal will read this and pick his favorite. Either way I will let you know which we choose and do a review once it's been used, assuming I can sit...

23 October 2011

First REAL Spanking

Thought I should write about this first thing while the afterglow is still there. Dear daughter is sleeping right now and Cal, who had just started reading this blog, thought it would be a perfect time for a real spanking session. We've had them before but not this round and I have a pretty intense amnesia in regards to spanking. At the moment though, all my doubts about spanking not being a good motivator for me are gone. I didn't cry, but it was by far the most severe of the last few weeks, and let me know that I have limits, and that Cal can push me well past them if my behavior requires it. This wasn't for any particular wrong doing, just to let me know we aren't taking breaks from ttwd anymore. The spanking was bare, over his knee (I missed this position SO much) with his hand and our wooden ladel intermittently. While I can usually stay pretty quiet, with this one I was screaming into a pillow pretty much the whole time. I just could not keep quiet! That ladel sucks big monkey balls! I didn't think it did but I didn't realize he had been using it gently :/. My ass is still aching. After the spanking came some of the best sex I've ever had(which is saying alot cause Cal and I have a pretty great sex life. I just feel secure, inside and out. I have no doubts now that he is up to the job and will be our HOH when I want him too, and when I don't.

Trying to pick a Quiet Spanking Instrument

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22 October 2011

Our Castle


Our Castle is my all time favorite spanking story site. It was the first site I ever discovered. It isn't covered in porn spam and it doesn't get blocked by porn blockers.  It is definitely a niche story site. Heavy on M/F stories, I've only seen a handful of switch since it started in 1998. There are a lot of historical spanking stories, and romances, but there are plenty of domestic discipline stories as well. And there is a "dungeon" section which holds more erotic or bdsm minded material. It definitely isn't as busy as it was in it's hay day, but it has an amazing archive and some of my favorite stories. Many are series, and you have to keep track of them as they tend to get lost amongst all the stories. But it's free, and if you know that these particular genre of stories are your thing, then it saves you from having to wade through stories not knowing if they'll have incest, be M/f, be femdom which has definitely happened to me on other sites.

One of the most popular writers from ourcastle is Lady Rue


The above link to her website, offers most of her stories, certainly enough to fill a few afternoons. She has written a variety of tales. Some of my favorites include:

Summer Holiday Series in the Domestic Discipline section

How to Improve Your Love Life in the Humour Section

Mail-Order Mayhem in the Historical Section

Slave Training in the Dungeon Section

These are just a few though, I think most are worth a read. There are many more "posters" listed in the "Poster Pages" http://www.ourcastle.com/posters/ , but to be honest, that particular page is new discovery for me (new as in I discovered it while writing this article) I will be going through and checking it out so I'll let you know if any other "posters" jump to my faves list.

Kyle Johnson, Baby Faced Disciplinarian

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21 October 2011

Things I'm working on

1)Remembering to respect my hoh even when I'm caught up with being a mum
2)Keeping our home in order
3)Getting dinner on the table 6 out of 7 nights
4)Remembering to feed myself
5)Remember that Cal spent all day working and don't jump all over him as soon as he walks through the door. Verbally anyway.

We don't actually have any set rules, we've tried that before but it never really worked for us in the past. I'd personally rather defer to Cal's judgement. I mean, we do have rules, but we didn't write up a contract or anything. I can understand contracts, but they seem a little...well....legal...

We are getting into the swing of things, a bit. Consistency has definitely been there much to my chagrin. We have a guest coming in next week, which will be our first real challenge of trying to maintain ttwd in a public aspect. We were throwing around ideas. I think it would really help to actually write everything down and address them all later.

Did a good job keeping busy yesterday, but after Cal got home I fell apart a bit. Anytime he has beer I assume he's drunk and try to take advantage...REALLY should have counted before assuming he was drunk. And with my ass sore from the day before, the hand spankings were ALOT  more effective. 

20 October 2011

The Belt

So we basically have three different levels at the moment.


Cal wants to eventually get a paddle and possibly a cane (the cane freaks me out a bit) and to have 5 different levels.

Anyway, yesterday I fell into another round of not doing anything. Including feeding myself. We had a midwife appointment and I learned that I'd actually lost 4 pounds. They said it was fine as long as I was getting 3 square meals a day, which I'm not, so all in all Cal was pretty pissed. And to top it off I wasn't in any mood to have a domestic discipline relationship yesterday so I kept arguing against it. By the time it was due I had worked my way up the belt. Which let me just say is worse than the others. I can still feel it today. I had maybe 30 on each side, not full force. Even with the intensity I found myself craving more...I really want to be broken down I think, I know that's not a possibility right now, but that doesn't mean the craving isn't there, just the same as the craving to drink and occasionally to smoke(although I've quit and am never going back) and to eat sushi and ride roller coasters. I'm still me after all.

I just want to stop wondering if it's just me wanting it to be more of a punishment or if I've spent so much time entrenched in this longing that it will never actually work as discipline in the real sense. It will certainly always turn me on. We were able to have sex yesterday afterwards for the first time in a few weeks and it just felt....AMAZING! I need constant sex. I become very difficult without being taken at least once a week.

I am feeling more obedient today...I've been working on docs for our mortgage all morning, and I'm about to start on the boxing, (after this quick blog break of course).

I'm suprised at how bold and honest I'm getting on this thing. So far Cal hasn't read it but it is kind of busting with thoughts I haven't shared with him, so it will be interesting whenever he does finally take a look. I've been very purposefully trying to draw attention away from it, I use safari for all of my....searches and kink related affairs, and we mainly use firefox. All for now, I've been trying to spread out my thoughts on this thing so I don't burn out. Second part of that story to come soon.

19 October 2011

A Fantasy, Part One

She wore a simple dress with a cherry apron. He walked into the door and took her in. He loved her hourglass frame. It had rounded out since he'd first met her, then she was a gorgeous young thing, muscled and fit, with small pert breasts and a tight ass. He'd loved the way she looked then, but there was something about the curves motherhood had brought her that he found simply irresistible. Milk and pregnancy had filled out her chest, and her breasts now sat slightly lower, but so much fuller than they once had. He watched her widened hips sway to the music she softly hummed. The kitchen was full of wonderful smells. He loved coming home to her cooking creations. He hung up his hat and placed down his briefcase. She had yet to notice him and he crept up behind her, pressing himself into her back.

"Mmmm, hello stranger," she purred, turning towards him with a smile.

"Where are the kids?" he whispered in her ear, trailing kisses down her neck

"Upstairs doing homework."

"And how's dinner coming along?"

"Good, just have to finish chopping and then throw it in the oven."

"Good. I'll be in the study, meet me there."

The hairs on the back of her neck shot up as her mind went frantically through the events of the day. What did she do?

He cleared his throat, bring her back to the present.

"Yes, husband," came out automatically.

"Hurry up" with that he turned and walked away. She finished the chopping as fast as she could, and found herself all too soon placing the dish in the oven. She wrung her hands on her apron as she walked down the hall towards the study.

When she reached the door, she took a deep breath, and then opened it. He was sitting behind the desk reading. He didn't look up. He'd changed so much since she'd first met him. When she'd first met him his face was smooth, his form thin and fit. Now he'd grown into a dignified goat tee, she could barely imagine him without the facial hair. He'd widened into his shoulders as well. When she's first met him he'd been to thin for his bones, but over the years he'd filled into his form, and now made quite an intimidating figure. He wasn't an extremely tall man, but he was her perfect size, tall enough that she had to stand on her tip toes to kiss him, and so that he stayed taller than her even in heels, but short enough that she could hug him and rest her head on his shoulder.

Her eyes glanced down at his hands. Those hadn't changed much. They'd always been large, large and thick. They looked like hands that were made for spanking. Yet even with their callous appearance, when he wanted them to, they could be a gentle as feathers. When he ran them over her body he could be so gentle that her whole form became covered in goosebumps. Her slow steps finally brought her to stand in front of the desk. She looked at him, but he still hadn't responded.

"Umm," she began,"The kids may be down at any minute.."

"Take down your panties and bend over the desk"

She wanted to desperately argue, to question, but she knew that would only make things worse. She reached under her dress and slowly slipped down her bikini style panties. When they were past her thighs, gravity took over and they fell to the floor. She stepped out of them and bent over the table. He waited a few more moments, and then rose from his chair, walking over to her. She softly hissed in breath as his hand ran up the back of her thigh bringing her skirt up over her bare backside. One hand rested on her lower back, the other began caressing her cheeks.

"Why are you here?"

Shit..she thought, I have no idea... "Ummm."

SLAP "Not ummm"

"I don't kn-"

SLAP, "Don't you dare finish that sentence"

"But-" And with that his hand began to fall hard and fast, taking her breath away. She began to whimper, then softly cry out, trying desperately not to make too much noise, just as tears were forming in her eyes, he stopped, returning to his soft caressing touch.

"Do I have to have a reason to spank you?"

"No husband"


"That's right. I don't. However, this time I do. This was just the appetizer." He calmly stated, as his caress went lower and dipped in between her thighs, lightly brushing her pussy lips. "You have until the kids are asleep to figure out what your in trouble for, or you get the belt." With that his hand abruptly ended her pleasure and he walked out the door. She could hear the kids yell "DADDY!" as she straightened herself. She began to wrack her brain....she had to figure out what she'd done...

18 October 2011

Been doing a bit better

I don't know if its the harder quickies or it's because we are in the process of closing on a our first home though. Pretty motivated to get this place packed up. I'm doing a purge. I want to get rid of most of my clothes and slowly start buying 50's styles dresses. I've always been a big dress wearer, but last pregnancy I slipped into long comfortable hippy esque dresses. But lately I've been obsessed with the idea of stockings and garter belts. Twenty-five is just too early to be giving up on fashion. Cal wants to go for the more 1920's look of slacks and vests, which I find extremely sexy. That's been another extremely stressful portion of our domestic discipline. Basically as soon as we had to take a break from sex, so this whole time I've been ravenously turned on and FRUSTRATED. After a spanking being touched is well and fine, but sometimes I just want to be filled and have his warm body crash into mine. Especially if it's from behind and my ass is blazing...sigh...It's making it harder for me not to fantasize about meeting a professional disciplinarian, which I've always wondered about. I guess it is one of the thing I wish I'd done at age 18 just so that I'd have a comparison. And sometimes the craving becomes relentless. Not that I'd do it...but I don't like having fantasies that don't revolve around my husband.

16 October 2011

My Weekend So Far...

This weekend things came to a bit of a head. My biggest issue in basically the whole time we been trying to start this up has been the "strength" of the spanking. I was having a hard time telling whether or not it's because the reality just isn't living up to the fantasy, or if it's because I have an untrained HoH...Well, now I'm positive that it's just his experience.

Confession...I've been really unsupportive of the fact that he's working so much. He's not even working all day on the weekends. I just like waking up next to him. Not only have I been keeping the house in a terrible state but I've been pretty unacceptably lazy for over the last two years. And I'm not working. I haven't been cooking or cleaning with regularity, and it's out of control. And the spankings haven't really helped so far. It's really engrained in me.

So I ended up picking an argument at the worst time, right before bed when he had to wake up in 6 hours. He'd had hit. He ripped into me about everything that was going on. And started talking about how spanking just didn't seem to be working. I said that I knew I needed to work harder and I really didn't want to give it up on domestic discipline yet. And he got really soft(that dangerous soft) and replied that he hadn't said anything about stopping, and that it was just obvious that he was going to have to up the severity until it actually worked. And then he gave me the hardest hand spanking I've ever had. His hand really felt like wood. I felt it the next morning, which is a first.

Now because of time constraints we still haven't gotten to do a full fledged spanking "session" yet but he's definitely becoming more efficient at quickies. And I've also realized that I push instantly, as hard as I can. Especially if something isn't the way I expected it to be. It's a strange conundrum. I want to be more submissive and "not in" control, but only when it suits me? Well that is NOT how this is going to work.

Writing this made me feel pretty guilty so I'm going to start on cleaning and see how much I can get done before he gets home...

14 October 2011


Well I procrastinated through the nap and then dd woke up cranky and hungry, which was when I realized that I had gotten no food, and so I had to run to the market. At which point I was very close to Cal's arrival home. I called to see when he was coming, the conversation went something like this:

Me: Hey babe, just checking on your arrival estimate?

Cal: As soon as I can, I feel like crap..

Cal:Excuse me?
Me:I just...I...I procrastinated, and now I have to take dd to get lunch and I haven't done ANYTHING!
Cal:Well then you know what's gonna happen
Me:Can't I have til 4-
Cal:No, no negotiating, I'll see you when I get home

This really motivated me. I ran to the market, came back, started frantically cleaning and had everything fixed by the time he was home, at least adequately so. Really didn't take me very long either, so it's silly that I fought it so much.

So we've been doing this for 2 weeks, and so far this is a pattern with me. I've been skirting really big punishments, and then behaving generally badly the rest of the night. So I end up with more mild spankings. Although it is obviously hard to make time for a full blown punishment spanking in a small apartment with dd.

13 October 2011

A long time coming Part Two

So we married and moved in with his parents, basically picking up our live where he had left his at 19. And...it...was....terrible. Just awful. I suddenly found myself married, yet living like a teenager. All the things I'd loved about him while we were traveling and dating, I hated in marriage. I realized that dd was something that I just couldn't live without. I could put it out of my mind for periods of a time but it always came back, insistently. It crept into the corner of my mind and suddenly I'd be reading stories everyday, thinking about it constantly. Worse I was treating my husband terribly. I started pushing him at every turn. Talking down to him all the time, badgering him into submission during all our arguments(which I started over nothing) and generally making us both miserable. We loved each other, and our relationship never went into real jeopardy, but it certainly wasn't what I'd hoped for, and I did storm out a number of times.

About 6 months in, I finally told him I wanted a more "traditional" relationship, and my real feelings about spanking began to come out. It was very slow though, and he wasn't really quite ready to pick up the reigns. He would in moments, but there was not consistency. We moved back to America after our second year of marriage, and I became pregnant with our firsthild. He practically changed overnight. We both cleaned up our acts and settled into married life. We tried introducing dd again but as I became more and more pregnant it slipped away. After the birth of our daughter, spanking didn't even enter my mind for a few months. When it finally did, we began again but it has never stayed consistent.


 brings us to now. I'm currently in the early second trimester of my second pregnancy, and we are once again working on finally making my fantasy a reality. Although I'm not foolish enough to believe they will match up perfectly, not to say I don't wish it did sometimes. And so I'm starting this blog, to share my journey, my expectations, disappointments, and hopefully growth.

Hmmm, I have to get the little girl down for a nap and I haven't cleaned the house at all. Cal is due home between 3 and 4. It's almost 1 now...I should have time...we'll see.

A long time coming (Part One)

As I sit and write this I am currently procrastinating on housework. I'm going for that last minute burst of energy hopefully I'll do enough to save my butt.

So it's been two weeks since my husband and I started our latest dd efforts. But I feel like the best way to start this thing is with a little background, I promise I'll write interesting perspective pieces after this stuff is all out of the way.

Spanking as well as domestic discipline has been a part of my inner mind since the awakening of my sexuality. The word spanking has excited me for as long as I remember, and the word spanking has fascinated me since I first looked it up in a dictionary sometime before the age of ten. During my teens, I spent anytime I could on the computer soaking up stories and other information I was too young for. While other teens dreamed of backstreet boys, I fantasized about strong dominant men who would take me over their knee when I needed it. I dreamed of the day when I turned 18 and could finally start looking for someone with the same interest. Of course I was a little nervous when the time actually came, and so I put it off and delved into university. At the end of my freshman year I met the love of my life, my now husband, we'll call him Cal. He was only 19 himself, and had dropped out of school to travel (he's originally from Oz).

We got along amazingly, but he was the skinny boy that most teenagers would go for, not the alpha male of my dreams. Regardless, I found myself more and more enthralled with him, and we ended up remaining together from the moment we left, even though a lot of that time was spent long distance figuring out how to be together in real life.  

Now it took me about a year to tell Cal about my interest in spanking, and even when I did I could only bring myself to mention it in a sexual foreplay way. So for the first 3 years almost of our being together, the most I could hope for was a smack during sex or playfully. He didn't seem overly judgmental or anything, I'd just spent so much time with this secret, that actually telling anyone about it was almost impossible. Plus we did everything together. Cursed together, smoked pot together, generally had all our immature teenage experiences together.

After I graduated we decided to get married and live in Australia. I was 21 at the time. I had a lot of moments where I wondered if I'd be okay without spanking or dd in my life, and I'd decided I would. Boy was I wrong.